AS197834 Ucom CJSC

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About AS197834

Owner Information

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 197834 is not specified in the question, and without current databases or specific tools, I cannot provide the name of the owner. The owner information can typically be found using various online whois services or through network information centers responsible for different regional Internet registries.

Main Operational Activity

Without knowing the specific owner of AS197834, it's challenging to state the precise main operational activity. Typically, owners of an AS can engage in a range of activities such as internet service provision, hosting services, content delivery networks, or enterprise networking for a private company. Understanding the nature of the AS owner's business would require access to updated registry data or their official documentation.

Establishment Date

The establishment date of AS197834 is also not readily available in this context. The creation date of an AS is usually recorded in regional Internet registry databases or might be included in public announcements by the AS owner at the time of registration or launch. Historical records from these sources are necessary to determine when AS197834 was established.

Malicious Use of AS197834

I do not have real-time access to external websites like CleanTalk, so I cannot provide current details on whether AS197834 is being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. Usually, databases like CleanTalk offer insights into whether a particular AS has been reported or blacklisted due to malicious activities originating from its network. To determine if AS197834 is involved in such activities, one would need to consult the latest reports or threat intelligence data available from such security platforms.

In summary, more specific details regarding the ownership, main operational activities, establishment date, and potential misuse of AS197834 would require access to updated databases, which are beyond the scope of my capabilities as of the knowledge cutoff date. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, querying relevant whois databases and consulting with cybersecurity resources is recommended.

WhoIs AS197834


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