AS197977 Solaris Bus&Coach S.A.

Spam statistics of AS197977 Solaris Bus&Coach S.A.

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About AS197977

Ownership of AS197977

The owner of AS197977 is "Inter Cars" S.A., which is a company known for the distribution of spare parts for cars, vans, and trucks.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of "Inter Cars" S.A., the owner of AS197977, involves the import, export, and distribution of various automotive parts and accessories. They play a significant role in the aftermarket automotive industry in Europe.

Establishment of AS197977

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS197977 may not be readily available in public records. Typically, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are allocated as entities require them and begin to operate their own networks.

Malicious Use of AS197977

According to CleanTalk's blacklist database, there might be cases where AS197977 is reported or used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, such reports could be subject to change over time as network security measures are implemented and incidents are resolved.

Please note that the details provided here are based on available information, and the status of any network, including AS197977, in terms of security and abuse can evolve over time.

WhoIs AS197977


Detected networks prefixes

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