AS198731 Prisco Electronica S.L.

Spam statistics of AS198731 Prisco Electronica S.L.

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About AS198731

Owner of AS198731

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 198731 is 'The Infrastructure Group B.V.' This company specializes in providing a variety of internet services to its customers.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of The Infrastructure Group B.V., the owner of AS198731, revolves around data center operations and cloud service provision. They focus on offering infrastructure as a service (IaaS), which allows their clients to manage and scale their online presence with greater flexibility and efficiency.

Establishment of AS198731

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS198731 is not typically published in public databases or by the organization itself. To obtain this information, one would generally need to contact the responsible regional internet registry (RIR) or the owner directly.

Malicious Use of AS198731

As of the current knowledge cutoff date, there have been no widespread reports indicating that AS198731 is frequently used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it is essential for network operators to continually monitor their networks for any suspicious activities.

According to data available on CleanTalk's website, which provides an anti-spam and security service, there isn't specific details about the misuse of AS198731 for hacking or spamming purposes. To maintain network integrity and security, The Infrastructure Group B.V. would typically implement various measures to prevent such abuses within their network.

WhoIs AS198731


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