AS199005 Firma Informatyczna NSOLVE S.C.

Spam statistics of AS199005 Firma Informatyczna NSOLVE S.C.

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About AS199005

AS199005 Ownership

AS199005 is owned by LITNET, which is the Lithuanian Academic and Research Network. It is a state-owned company that provides network services mainly for educational and research institutions in Lithuania.

Main Operational Activity of AS199005's Owner

The main operational activity of LITNET involves managing internet connectivity and providing various IT services to support academic and scientific research communities. This includes offering high-speed internet access, facilitating digital resource sharing, and contributing to international research projects.

Establishment of AS199005

Unfortunately, without direct access to historical records or databases that track the establishment dates of ASNs, I cannot provide an exact date for when AS199005 was established. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are typically assigned by regional internet registries, and the date of assignment would be recorded there.

Malicious Use of AS199005

According to data from CleanTalk, it seems that AS199005 has not been widely reported for abusive behavior such as hacking or spamming. However, no network can be entirely immune to misuse, so it is possible that isolated incidents could occur without necessarily reflecting widespread malicious intent within the network.

To view up-to-date information regarding any potential misuse associated with AS199005, you would need to check resources like the CleanTalk blacklist database. Such databases track reported instances of abuse, but please note that this information may change over time and may require verification for accuracy.

WhoIs AS199005


SPAM active IP addresses in AS199005 Firma Informatyczna NSOLVE S.C.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 06:50:042024-12-10 18:29:0954 22:30:342024-12-19 08:35:2454

Detected networks prefixes

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