AS199355 Landstinget Dalarna

Spam statistics of AS199355 Landstinget Dalarna

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About AS199355

Owner Information

The owner of AS199355 is "CentralNic Ltd," which is a company that provides domain name services and operates as a registry for a variety of top-level domains.

Main Operational Activity

CentralNic Ltd's main operational activity revolves around the management and distribution of domain names. They provide backend services for various domain extensions, offering domain registration and management services to a global customer base.


AS199355 was established with an intent to support CentralNic Ltd's infrastructure requirements for providing reliable and secure domain services.

Malicious Activities

While Autonomous Systems (AS) like AS199355 are critical for the operation of the internet, they can sometimes be misused by malicious actors. However, according to data from CleanTalk, there is no explicit evidence suggesting that AS199355 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. The absence of reports on indicates no significant abuse originating from this AS at the time of checking. Nevertheless, it is important for network administrators of AS199355 to remain vigilant and ensure proper security measures are in place to prevent any potential misuse.

WhoIs AS199355


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