Spam statistics of AS20068 HAWKHOST

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Canada162 626Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-1 45618412.64%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
36 3982 056

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS20068

Ownership of AS20068

AS20068 (Autonomous System Number) is owned by Hawk Host Inc. This company specializes in web hosting services and operates as an internet service provider.

Main Operational Activity of Hawk Host Inc.

The primary activity of Hawk Host Inc., the owner of AS20068, is to provide various web hosting solutions. These services can include shared hosting, reseller hosting, virtual private servers, and dedicated server hosting, among others. Their goal is to support the online presence of their clients through reliable hosting infrastructure.

Establishment of AS20068

Information about when AS20068 was specifically established is not readily available in public records. However, the creation date can be inferred from the operational start date of Hawk Host Inc. or from historical registration data concerning this specific autonomous system.

Malicious Use of AS20068

There are no inherent indications that AS20068 is used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. Autonomous Systems, like any other part of the internet, can occasionally be exploited for spam or hacking. The reputation of an AS often depends on the vigilance and security measures implemented by its owner to prevent abuse.

According to CleanTalk, a service that provides information about IP addresses involved in spam or other malicious activities, there may be instances where parts of AS20068 have been reported for abuse. However, the details provided would typically include the number of detected spam messages, the latest spam activity, and the current listing status on their blacklist. It's important to consult such resources directly to obtain the most up-to-date information regarding any potential misuse associated with AS20068.

WhoIs AS20068


SPAM active IP addresses in AS20068 HAWKHOST

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1198.252.98.292019-11-06 01:29:402024-12-14 23:05:405
2198.252.105.72019-09-02 04:58:112024-12-14 17:35:3939

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1104.223.44.0/22United States102441517417.00%
2104.223.44.0/24United States25624311143.00%
3172.96.189.0/24United States2568052.00%
4198.252.106.0/23United States51228851.00%
5198.252.106.0/24United States25613142.00%
6198.252.98.0/23United States51228731.00%
7172.96.184.0/24United States2567021.00%
8198.252.105.0/24United States25613921.00%
9198.252.100.0/24United States25617810.00%
10140.99.244.0/22United States10243400.00%
11140.99.244.0/24United States256700.00%
12140.99.244.0/23United States5123400.00%
13198.252.102.0/23United States51227000.00%
14198.252.102.0/24United States25619600.00%
15198.252.104.0/24United States2568600.00%
16198.252.108.0/24United States25610700.00%
17198.252.109.0/24United States2565500.00%

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