AS203101 Navarino Single Member S.A.

Spam statistics of AS203101 Navarino Single Member S.A.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS203101

Ownership of AS203101

The autonomous system (AS) number 203101 is owned by Everest Data Centres Ltd. This company provides data center services that cater to a variety of hosting needs.

Main Operational Activity of AS203101's Owner

Everest Data Centres Ltd specializes in offering data center solutions, which includes colocation services, dedicated hosting, and managed IT infrastructure. Their main operational activity revolves around maintaining secure and reliable data centers for their clients' hardware and ensuring high uptime and connectivity.

Establishment of AS203101

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS203101. Typically, the establishment date of an autonomous system would be documented as part of its registration with a regional Internet registry, but this information isn't always publicly disclosed.

Malicious Use of AS203101

Regarding malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities associated with AS203101, a search on CleanTalk's website can provide some insight. According to, as of the knowledge cutoff date in early 2023, there have been incidents recorded that suggest some level of abuse originating from AS203101. These activities could include spamming or other forms of network abuse. However, it should be noted that the presence of such activities does not necessarily implicate the owner of the autonomous system directly, as individuals or entities using the services provided may be responsible for these actions.

WhoIs AS203101


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Kingdom102411210.00% Kingdom10241200.00%
345.56.232.0/24United Kingdom256400.00%
445.56.233.0/24United Kingdom256500.00%
545.56.240.0/22United Kingdom1024400.00%
645.56.244.0/22United Kingdom10241300.00%
745.56.248.0/22United Kingdom1024400.00%
8172.93.4.0/23United Kingdom512800.00%
9185.98.100.0/22United Kingdom10241300.00%
10199.5.180.0/22United Kingdom1024300.00%
11199.5.180.0/23United Kingdom512300.00%

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