AS204916 Racktech Co., Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS204916 Racktech Co., Ltd.

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About AS204916

Owner of AS204916

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS204916 is Veesp, which is a brand name of the company Sia Nano IT. Veesp specializes in providing various hosting services, including Virtual Private Servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and other web hosting solutions.

Main Operational Activity of AS204916's Owner

Veesp's main operational activity involves providing data center services such as VPS hosting, dedicated server rentals, and related hosting services for businesses and individual clients. They focus on delivering scalable, secure, and reliable internet infrastructure solutions.

Establishment of AS204916

AS204916 was registered and established with the RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre). However, the specific date when AS204916 was established is not mentioned.

Usage of AS204916 by Hackers or Spammers

According to the information available from CleanTalk, there is no evidence to suggest that hackers or spammers systematically use AS204916 for malicious intent. Nonetheless, like any large hosting provider, it is possible that individual clients may misuse the services provided by Veesp. Hosting providers often implement measures to prevent such abuse and respond to incidents as they arise.

Additional Details

While I cannot provide direct details from external websites, it is generally advisable to monitor various sources, such as CleanTalk, for updated information regarding any potential misuse of hosting services to maintain a clear understanding of the reputation and integrity of network operators like AS204916.

WhoIs AS204916


Detected networks prefixes

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