AS205119 TELEKS DOOEL Skopje

Spam statistics of AS205119 TELEKS DOOEL Skopje

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
North Macedonia714Paid VPN
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS205119

Owner Information of AS205119

The autonomous system (AS) number 205119 is registered to Cross Computing Services Kft. This organization is responsible for managing the IP addresses and network operations within their assigned range.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of Cross Computing Services Kft, as suggested by the name, is likely to be in the field of computing services. These could involve hosting services, cloud computing, or IT consultancy, among others.

Establishment of AS205119

There is no specific public information available regarding the exact date when AS205119 was established without current access to the detailed registry databases or historical records of the AS.

Malicious Use of AS205119

Regarding security concerns, such as hacking or spamming activities, it is important to regularly check databases that monitor these behaviors. According to data from CleanTalk's Blacklist Check, there might be instances where IPs within the AS205119 range have been flagged for malicious activities. However, this does not necessarily indicate that the owner of the AS is endorsing or involved in such actions. Individual IP addresses within an autonomous system can sometimes be compromised or used by third parties for malicious intent.

Please note that the CleanTalk database is dynamic, with information that can change frequently. For the most current details, direct consultation of their website or similar services is recommended.

WhoIs AS205119


SPAM active IP addresses in AS205119 TELEKS DOOEL Skopje

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1185.225.28.32018-04-11 18:06:312024-06-01 07:05:30585
2185.225.28.82020-09-12 18:22:042024-06-02 12:10:5330
3185.225.28.112020-05-09 14:40:462024-05-30 01:01:121112
4185.225.28.1082021-07-16 00:05:412024-06-06 15:50:377
5185.225.28.1102020-07-06 14:41:382024-06-08 14:25:325
6185.225.31.282023-03-21 23:35:532024-06-10 03:25:2841

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1185.225.28.0/24North Macedonia2561234819.00%
2185.225.31.0/24North Macedonia25612104.00%
3185.225.28.4/30North Macedonia44125.00%
4185.225.28.8/30North Macedonia44125.00%
5185.225.28.20/31North Macedonia22150.00%
6185.225.28.3/32North Macedonia1100.00%
7185.225.28.12/32North Macedonia1100.00%
8185.225.28.19/32North Macedonia1100.00%
9185.225.28.22/32North Macedonia1100.00%
10185.233.208.0/22North Macedonia1024500.00%

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