AS205538 City Wireless B.V.

Spam statistics of AS205538 City Wireless B.V.

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Overview of AS205538

Owner of AS205538

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS205538 is PE Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich. This ASN is associated with an individual rather than a large organization or Internet Service Provider.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS205538's owner is not widely documented in public records. Typically, individual owners of ASNs may use them for a variety of purposes, such as hosting personal projects, providing services to a small set of clients, or operating private networks.

Establishment of AS205538

There are no specific public records readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS205538. ASN records often do not include this information or it may not be disclosed without contacting the regional internet registry responsible for the allocation.

Malicious Use of AS205538

Regarding the potential malicious use of AS205538, such as involvement in hacking or spamming activities, real-time blacklists and reports can provide some insight. According to CleanTalk's database:

  • No instances of spamming or hacking from AS205538 were reported on their platform at the time of the last update.

  • The AS205538 has a clean status in CleanTalk's blacklist check, indicating no significant abuse detected originating from this ASN.

It should be noted that these details are subject to change, and any ASN could potentially be compromised or used maliciously at some point. Continuous monitoring by security professionals and services like CleanTalk helps in maintaining the integrity of network resources.

WhoIs AS205538


Detected networks prefixes

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