AS208494 TOV Onet

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS208494

Ownership Details

AS208494 is registered to G-Core Labs S.A., a company known for providing various internet services including content delivery, hosting, and cloud solutions. G-Core Labs S.A. operates on a global scale, offering its services to a wide array of clients ranging from enterprises to gaming companies.

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of AS208494 involves managing internet infrastructure and providing advanced web solutions. This includes the provision of CDN (Content Delivery Network) services, ensuring high availability and performance for client websites and applications across different regions. Additionally, G-Core Labs S.A. offers DDoS protection and edge computing services as part of their comprehensive suite of internet technologies.

Establishment Date

Information about the exact establishment date of AS208494 is not explicitly stated; however, G-Core Labs S.A. has been operational since its founding in 2011, with consistent growth in its network capabilities over the years.

Malicious Use of AS208494

Like many large-scale internet service providers, AS208494 may occasionally be used by malicious actors without the intent or knowledge of the owner. According to data provided by CleanTalk on their blacklist check page, there are instances where IP addresses within AS208494 have been flagged for potential spam or hacking activities. The information on CleanTalk suggests that there could be isolated cases where certain IPs under this autonomous system have exhibited suspicious behaviors, which could include spamming or other forms of cyberattacks.

However, it is important to note that the presence of such activities does not necessarily mean that the network owner endorses or is directly involved in such actions. Providers like G-Core Labs S.A. often take steps to mitigate abuse and handle reports of malicious use within their networks to maintain a secure and trusted environment for their legitimate users.

WhoIs AS208494


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