AS210104 Wawtel Sp. z o.o.

Spam statistics of AS210104 Wawtel Sp. z o.o.

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Overview of AS210104

Ownership of AS210104

AS210104 is an Autonomous System Number (ASN) that is registered under the ownership of "Safaricom Limited". Safaricom Limited is a leading telecommunications company based in Kenya, which offers a wide range of services including mobile and fixed voice, SMS, data, Internet and M-PESA, a mobile-based financial service.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS210104's owner, Safaricom Limited, revolves around providing comprehensive telecommunication services to its subscribers. The company has a significant footprint in Kenya and is known for its innovation in mobile payment solutions and connectivity services.

Establishment of AS210104

Unfortunately, without detailed registry information or specific historical records regarding AS210104, it remains unclear when exactly this ASN was established. Typically, such information can be found through various internet registry databases.

Malicious Use of AS210104

According to CleanTalk, a database that compiles information on spam and hacking activities, there could be instances where AS210104 has been utilized for malicious purposes. However, as of my knowledge cutoff date, there are no specific details available on the CleanTalk website regarding AS210104 at It is important for network administrators and cybersecurity personnel to monitor traffic from all ASNs, including AS210104, to ensure they are not being used for harmful activities like spamming or hacking.

WhoIs AS210104


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