The data shown may not match the actual data as the AS data is updated monthly.
Spam statistics of AS211056 KHALIJSERVER, IR
Country | Number of networks | IP Addresses | Purpose of use |
Iran | 2 | 60 | Hosting |
Domain | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IPs | Spam rate |
- | 86 | 12 | 0.00% |
Websites count | IP addresses with websites | ||
69 | 32 |
Spam activity log
About AS211056
Owner of AS211056
The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 211056 is not explicitly stated in public records. Ownership details would typically be found in the relevant registry database or through network information services.
Main Operational Activity
The main operational activity of AS211056's owner is likely related to providing internet services, managing network infrastructure, or similar activities commonly associated with the administration of an autonomous system. However, without specific information, it is not possible to provide detailed insights into their operations.
Establishment of AS211056
The establishment date of AS211056 is not provided in this context. To find this information, one would typically refer to the regional internet registry (RIR) or the autonomous system's registration details.
Potential Malicious Use
As for whether hackers or spammers use AS211056 with malicious intent, there is no direct evidence provided here that indicates such activities. However, it is essential for network operators to monitor their networks for any suspicious behavior and take appropriate measures to ensure security and integrity.
For more current details regarding the reputation of AS211056, including any reported abuse or spam activity, please refer to online security databases like or other reputable sources that track and report on such information.
Additional Information from maintains a database of IP addresses and autonomous systems to help identify potential sources of spam and malicious activities. According to the provided link, there might be details available about AS211056 on their website. CleanTalk could offer data such as recent spam activity reports, historical misuse incidents, or a general safety rating. However, as per the requirement to not include hyperlinks, specific details from cannot be directly embedded here.
WhoIs AS211056
Detected networks prefixes
# | Network prefix | Country | Length | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IP addresses | Spam rate |
1 | | United States | 1024 | 54 | 7 | 1.00% |
2 | | Iran | 1024 | 4 | 1 | 0.00% |
3 | | Iran | 256 | 2 | 1 | 0.00% |
4 | | Iran | 256 | 7 | 1 | 0.00% |
5 | | United States | 256 | 6 | 0 | 0.00% |
6 | | Iran | 512 | 1 | 0 | 0.00% |
7 | | Iran | 1024 | 5 | 0 | 0.00% |
8 | | Iran | 256 | 2 | 0 | 0.00% |