AS211407 PT Perwira Media Solusi

Spam statistics of AS211407 PT Perwira Media Solusi

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS211407

Owner of AS211407

The owner of Autonomous System number 211407 (AS211407) is not publicly disclosed in most generic databases. Ownership details might be available through specific network information centers or regional internet registries depending on the region and the policies governing the allocation and registration of AS numbers.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the owner of AS211407 likely involves managing the routing of internet traffic to and from the IP addresses that are governed by this specific AS. This can include a variety of services such as hosting, ISP services, or content distribution depending on the nature of the organization that holds the AS.

Establishment of AS211407

The date of establishment for AS211407 is typically recorded in the registry database where it was assigned. These details are often used for administrative and technical contact purposes, as well as for historical record-keeping within the internet community.

Malicious Usage

As of my current knowledge cutoff in early 2023, I cannot provide real-time or updated information regarding whether hackers or spammers have used AS211407 with malicious intent. For the latest details, including any reports of abuse or spam activity associated with this AS, one should refer directly to online resources such as the CleanTalk database, which tracks and lists known issues with autonomous systems, IP addresses, and domains.

According to CleanTalk's website, they may have records that indicate if an AS, like AS211407, has been involved in sending spam or engaging in other types of abusive behavior. However, without accessing their specific report on AS211407, I cannot provide the details here.

WhoIs AS211407


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1191.101.190.0/24United States25614511344.00%

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