AS212830 Serpa IT S.L

Spam statistics of AS212830 Serpa IT S.L

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About AS212830

Ownership of AS212830

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS212830 is not publicly disclosed information. ASN owners are often Internet Service Providers, telecommunication companies, large organizations, or data center/cloud service providers that manage their own network infrastructure.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the owner of AS212830 involves managing internet connectivity and routing for its network. This could include providing services to customers, maintaining network infrastructure, ensuring network security, and optimizing data transmission routes.

Establishment of AS212830

The exact establishment date of AS212830 is not specified within public records. Generally, ASNs are assigned by regional Internet registries upon request, following a need for unique identification within the global internet routing system.

Malicious Use of AS212830

According to the data provided by CleanTalk, it appears that AS212830 has been observed in activities which may be related to hacking or spam. Here are some details:

  • There have been reports of abusive behavior from IP addresses within the AS212830 network.

  • These reports suggest potential involvement in spamming or malicious activities.

  • However, the presence of such reports does not necessarily imply that the owner of AS212830 endorses or is directly involved in these actions. It could also indicate compromised systems within their network being used by third parties.

  • The reputation of an ASN can be affected by such incidents, highlighting the importance of robust security measures for network operators.

For updated and specific details on any recent malicious activity associated with AS212830, visiting the CleanTalk website or other similar security platforms would provide more current information.

WhoIs AS212830


SPAM active IP addresses in AS212830 Serpa IT S.L

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1185.128.52.2022019-02-16 17:57:532024-06-13 05:35:2655

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