AS213335 AIDA Cruises - German Branch of Costa Crociere S.p.A.

Spam statistics of AS213335 AIDA Cruises - German Branch of Costa Crociere S.p.A.

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About AS213335

Ownership and Operational Activity

AS213335 is an Autonomous System Number (ASN) that is owned by Stefan Dunkel. The main operational activity of AS213335's owner is not explicitly detailed in public records, but typically, owners of ASNs are involved in managing IP address blocks and routing policies for their networks, which can include internet service provision, hosting services, or the operation of private enterprise networks.


The exact establishment date of AS213335 is not publicly documented. Autonomous Systems are often registered and become operational when the owner requires a distinct Internet routing policy for their network infrastructure, but without specific data, one can only assume it was established at some point prior to being queried or utilized for internet services.

Malicious Use

Concerning the use of AS213335 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, information from sources like CleanTalk can provide insights into whether an ASN has been implicated in such activities. According to CleanTalk's blacklist database, there is no evidence suggesting that AS213335 has been used for spamming or other malicious activities. These databases track the reputation of ASNs by monitoring for signs of nefarious behavior originating from their IP ranges.

It is important to note that the status of any given ASN, including AS213335, in terms of its association with unwanted internet activity, can change over time. Network operators actively work to mitigate abuse within their networks to maintain a good standing within the internet community and avoid potential blacklisting.

WhoIs AS213335


Detected networks prefixes

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