AS21565 AS21565

Spam statistics of AS21565 AS21565

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States2136Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-6 39473711.53%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
1 981520

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS21565

Ownership of AS21565

The autonomous system (AS) number 21565 is owned by Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. This organization, often referred to as HTC, is a telecommunications cooperative in Horry County, South Carolina.

Main Operational Activity of AS21565's Owner

HTC, the owner of AS21565, primarily operates as a provider of telephone and Internet services. They offer a range of services including local and long-distance phone service, broadband internet, digital cable TV, and wireless services to their customers.

Establishment Date of AS21565

Information regarding the specific establishment date of AS21565 is not readily available in public records. Normally, the creation dates of specific AS numbers are not published; they can be inferred from historical routing tables or whois database records.

Malicious Use of AS21565

As with any large network, there may be instances of abuse originating from AS21565. However, without current and specific data, it's not possible to provide a definitive answer regarding whether hackers or spammers have used AS21565 with malicious intent. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on potential blacklisting or abuse reports, one should consult online security databases or resources like CleanTalk.

Details from CleanTalk

According to the website CleanTalk, which maintains a database of IP addresses that have been involved in spamming or other malicious activities, AS21565 has entries associated with it. As this information is continuously updated, for the latest details regarding any malicious activities linked to AS21565, please refer directly to the CleanTalk website and its blacklist reporting system.

WhoIs AS21565


SPAM active IP addresses in AS21565 AS21565

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 23:00:522024-05-03 17:25:2610 21:10:562024-04-26 00:36:143
364.150.149.2182022-09-30 09:41:002024-04-25 19:05:333
464.150.149.2192022-09-20 22:46:092024-04-25 18:46:334
566.153.199.1212023-05-02 03:16:082024-04-25 16:50:437
666.153.237.612023-04-22 20:16:482024-04-25 05:55:336
766.153.245.1222023-04-04 15:50:222024-04-25 20:40:455
866.220.64.152023-03-02 03:55:422024-05-05 02:30:044
966.220.67.572023-05-02 16:55:482024-05-05 07:05:283
1067.212.43.612023-04-14 06:40:502024-05-01 06:30:455

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1198.52.228.0/22United States102451324524.00%
2198.52.236.0/22United States102452318818.00%
3198.52.224.0/22United States102430713613.00%
4198.52.232.0/22United States102439112212.00%
5198.52.232.0/24United States2561217931.00%
6198.52.224.0/24United States2561357529.00%
7198.52.228.0/24United States2561274417.00%
8198.52.236.0/24United States2561483413.00%
966.153.128.0/17United States327681989150.00%
1064.138.192.0/18United States16384100870.00%
1164.138.252.0/24United States2562521.00%
1266.153.222.0/24United States2561021.00%
1367.212.52.0/24United States256821.00%
14107.190.148.0/24United States2561721.00%
15162.252.5.0/24United States2561321.00%
1664.138.200.0/24United States2561710.00%
1764.138.207.0/24United States2561710.00%
1864.138.228.0/24United States2562210.00%
1964.138.230.0/24United States2562210.00%
2064.138.251.0/24United States256910.00%
2164.150.131.0/24United States2562810.00%
2264.150.157.0/24United States2563010.00%
2366.153.129.0/24United States256810.00%
2466.153.134.0/24United States256510.00%
2566.153.139.0/24United States2561410.00%
2666.153.142.0/24United States2561910.00%
2766.153.146.0/24United States2562110.00%
2866.153.165.0/24United States256910.00%
2966.153.174.0/24United States2562710.00%
3066.153.209.0/24United States2563010.00%

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