AS22980 Apogee Telecom Inc.

Spam statistics of AS22980 Apogee Telecom Inc.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS22980

Ownership of AS22980

The autonomous system (AS) AS22980 is owned and operated by ALEPHD. ALEPHD functions as the controlling entity for routing policies and paths for data traffic within its designated network.

Main Operational Activity of ALEPHD

ALEPHD's main operational activity involves managing internet traffic for its network and ensuring that data is routed efficiently and securely. The company focuses on providing stable and reliable service to its users, maintaining network infrastructure, and making decisions regarding connectivity with other networks.

Establishment of AS22980

The exact date of establishment for AS22980 is not publicly specified. Autonomous Systems are typically registered when a company or organization requires control over their routing policies, which can depend on various operational needs and growth stages of the entity.

Malicious Use of AS22980

Like any network, AS22980 may be subject to misuse by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, AS owners implement security measures to protect against such activities. According to, a service that monitors spam and hacking activities, specific details about AS22980's involvement with such incidents would require a direct query on their website, as this information can frequently change.

WhoIs AS22980
