AS23903 Akamai Banglore Office ASN

Spam statistics of AS23903 Akamai Banglore Office ASN

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About AS23903

Owner of AS23903

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) Number 23903 is JSC "Radiotelecentr" which is a telecommunications company.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of JSC "Radiotelecentr", the owner of AS23903, is providing various telecommunication services. This can include data transmission, internet access, and other related services.

Establishment of AS23903

There is no specific public information available regarding the exact establishment date of AS23903 within this response's knowledge cutoff date.

Malicious Use of AS23903

As for the use of AS23903 by hackers or spammers for malicious intent, there are incidents reported on platforms such as CleanTalk that suggest some level of abuse originating from this AS. However, it should be noted that any large network may experience instances of misuse, and this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of the AS owner itself.

Details on the reported abuse can be found on CleanTalk or similar platforms that track and list such activities to help maintain online security and inform network administrators.

WhoIs AS23903


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