AS23905 Victoria University of Wellington

Spam statistics of AS23905 Victoria University of Wellington

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
New Zealand
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS23905

Owner of AS23905

The owner of Autonomous System number 23905 is Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI), which is a dedicated medical research institute focused on cardiovascular disease, transplantation, and diabetes.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute involves conducting critical research in the field of cardiology, aiming to find cures for cardiovascular disease. Their work encompasses a range of scientific investigations from molecular and cellular biology through to clinical trials and patient care.

Establishment of AS23905

Information regarding the specific establishment date of AS23905 is not readily available in public databases. Such information would typically be found in the internal records of the organization or through direct contact with their network administration team.

Malicious Use of AS23905

There is no explicit evidence available in the CleanTalk database as per the provided URL that suggests hackers or spammers use AS23905 with malicious intent. However, like any autonomous system, it may occasionally face security challenges or abuse without the direct involvement or consent of the institute.

Additional Details

For real-time data or reports on potential abuses originating from AS23905, an examination of security databases such as CleanTalk would be required, but since we do not include external links, you can manually visit their website at and search for the AS23905 blacklist report for detailed information on any reported activities.

WhoIs AS23905


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1130.195.0.0/18New Zealand163842900.00%
2130.195.0.0/19New Zealand81922800.00%
3130.195.0.0/22New Zealand1024400.00%
4130.195.4.0/22New Zealand10241000.00%
5130.195.12.0/22New Zealand1024400.00%
6130.195.16.0/22New Zealand1024100.00%
7130.195.20.0/22New Zealand1024900.00%
8130.195.56.0/22New Zealand1024100.00%
9130.195.56.0/24New Zealand256100.00%
10130.195.252.0/22New Zealand10247000.00%

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