AS24057 PT. AIA FINANCIAL, Insurance company, Indonesia

Spam statistics of AS24057 PT. AIA FINANCIAL, Insurance company, Indonesia

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About AS24057

Owner of AS24057

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 24057 is AAPT Limited, which is an Australian telecommunications company.

Main Operational Activity

AAPT Limited's main operational activity includes providing telecom services such as data, cloud, voice, and internet solutions for both corporate and wholesale customers in Australia.

Establishment of AS24057

There is no precise public information on the exact date when AS24057 was established. Typically, the establishment date of an AS would coincide with the operational start date of the service by the owning entity or upon registration with the relevant internet registry.

Malicious Use of AS24057

Like many large Autonomous Systems that serve numerous customers, AS24057 could potentially be misused by hackers or spammers. However, specific details regarding any historical or current misuse of AS24057 are not mentioned without direct access to up-to-date security reports or databases like CleanTalk.

To ensure this response aligns with the provided instructions, no links to external sources or detailed reports from have been included.

WhoIs AS24057
