AS24210 Angkasa Sarana Teknik Komunikasi PT

Spam statistics of AS24210 Angkasa Sarana Teknik Komunikasi PT

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About AS24210

Ownership of AS24210

AS24210, known as ANGKASA SARANA TEKNIK KOMUNIKASI PT, is owned by Angkasa Sarana Teknik Komunikasi PT. It is an autonomous system registered in Indonesia.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Angkasa Sarana Teknik Komunikasi PT involves providing internet services and solutions. They focus on telecommunications infrastructure, offering various services to their clients that may include internet access provision, networking services, and related technical support.

Establishment of AS24210

There is no specific public record available with the exact establishment date of AS24210 within this context. Autonomous systems are often established when a company decides to manage its own network routing policies, but the date when AS24210 was specifically created is not detailed in publicly-accessible resources.

Malicious Use Report for AS24210

According to data from CleanTalk, which provides an online service to check IP addresses and autonomous systems for malicious activities, there have been reports about AS24210 being used for spamming or other malicious intents. However, it is important to consider that an autonomous system being listed on such a blacklist does not necessarily mean that the owner of the system is directly responsible for the malicious activities. Often, compromised systems within an AS can be utilized by malicious actors without the owner's consent or knowledge.

For up-to-date details and specific statistics regarding the misuse of AS24210, one would need to refer to the latest data provided by anti-spam and cybersecurity organizations, keeping in mind that the situation can change dynamically over time.

WhoIs AS24210


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