AS24284 CyberAgent, Inc.

Spam statistics of AS24284 CyberAgent, Inc.

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS24284

Ownership of AS24284

AS24284 is owned by CyberAgent, Inc., which is a Japanese company primarily involved in digital advertising, media services, gaming, and other internet-related ventures.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of CyberAgent, Inc., as the owner of AS24284, includes providing various online services such as digital advertising platforms, social media services, online gaming, and web portal development. They operate a diverse array of internet-centric businesses that cater to a vast audience across different demographics.

Establishment of AS24284

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS24284 is not readily available but CyberAgent, Inc. has been in operation since 1998, and has since then expanded its services and infrastructure, which includes the management of AS24284.

Malicious Use of AS24284

Like many autonomous systems, AS24284 may sometimes be susceptible to misuse by hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, there have been instances where IP addresses belonging to AS24284 were used for spamming or other malicious activities. However, it is important to note that these actions do not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of the AS owner, CyberAgent, Inc. Autonomous Systems can contain thousands of individual IP addresses, and it can be a challenge to police all traffic, especially if compromised hosts within the network are responsible for the malicious activities.

Details on Malicious Intent

As per the details provided by CleanTalk, it appears that some IP addresses within AS24284 have been blacklisted due to suspicious activities like spam. It is common for larger networks to occasionally have individual IPs flagged for such behavior, which can occur due to compromised systems within the network or because of abuse by external parties. The presence of such activities does not necessarily imply that the network owner endorses or engages in such behavior intentionally.

WhoIs AS24284


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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