AS24348 CERNET2 IX at Tsinghua University

Spam statistics of AS24348 CERNET2 IX at Tsinghua University

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS24348

Owner of AS24348

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS24348 is Criteo APAC, which is an advertising company specializing in retargeting online display advertisements to consumers who have previously visited the advertiser's website.

Main Operational Activity of AS24348's Owner

Criteo APAC, as a digital marketing service provider, leverages technology and data analytics to offer personalized and targeted advertising. Its main operational activity involves handling large amounts of data and serving millions of advertisements across the web, ensuring that ads reach relevant audiences to improve engagement and conversion rates for their clients.

Establishment of AS24348

There is no specific public date available regarding the establishment of AS24348. Autonomous Systems are typically established when an organization requires a unique set of IP address routes to control traffic within its network or between different networks on the internet. The date of establishment can often be related to when the organization began its operations or expanded its networking infrastructure to require an AS.

Usage of AS24348 for Malicious Intent

While any autonomous system has the potential to be abused by hackers or spammers, there is no specific evidence suggesting that AS24348 is widely used with malicious intent. However, it should be noted that even legitimate networks can sometimes be compromised or used for spam or other malicious activities inadvertently. According to the data from CleanTalk's blacklist check:

  • AS24348 has a spam rate of 31.8%.

  • There have been cases where IP addresses within AS24348 were reported for spam or malicious activities.

  • It is important for network administrators of AS24348 to monitor their IP space and take appropriate measures to prevent abuse.

Please note that information regarding spam and malicious activities is dynamic and may change over time as new threats emerge and are addressed.

WhoIs AS24348


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