AS25406 Splius, Uab

Spam statistics of AS25406 Splius, Uab

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Overview of AS25406

Ownership and Operational Activity

AS25406, also known as Splius, UAB, is an autonomous system (AS) owned by "Splius" UAB. The company primarily operates in the telecommunications sector, with a focus on providing internet services to its customers. This includes broadband access, hosting solutions, and various internet-related services.


The autonomous system AS25406 was established to facilitate the company's network infrastructure for delivering internet services. However, the exact date of establishment is not specified in the provided context.

Security Concerns and Abuse Reports

Like many other autonomous systems, AS25406 may face challenges related to security, including potential misuse by hackers or spammers. To monitor and address any such activities, online resources like CleanTalk can provide insights into the abuse reports associated with AS25406.

According to CleanTalk, there have been instances where AS25406 has been used with malicious intent. CleanTalk maintains a database of IP addresses that have been involved in spamming or hacking activities. It is important for operators of autonomous systems to continually monitor and implement security measures to mitigate any harmful actions originating from their networks.

WhoIs AS25406


Detected networks prefixes

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