AS2554 IDC Frontier Inc.

Spam statistics of AS2554 IDC Frontier Inc.

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Overview of AS2554

Owner of AS2554

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS2554 is the National Institute of Informatics, which is a research institution in Japan dedicated to the study of informatics.

Main Operational Activity of AS2554's Owner

The main operational activity of the National Institute of Informatics, the owner of AS2554, involves conducting comprehensive research in informatics as well as providing high-quality infrastructure for information science technology and large-scale computer network operations to the academic community in Japan.

Establishment of AS2554

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS2554 is not commonly available in public records. However, as autonomous systems have been part of the internet infrastructure for decades, it can be inferred that AS2554 has been operational since the early development of internet networks in Japan.

Malicious Use of AS2554

Like many other autonomous systems, AS2554 may occasionally be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, specific details about such incidents are subject to change over time. CleanTalk provides a real-time blacklist service that tracks spamming or hacking activities associated with different ASNs. To get the most recent information about AS2554's involvement in such activities, one would need to refer to the data provided by CleanTalk or similar cybersecurity platforms.

Recent Security Status of AS2554

As my knowledge is up-to-date only until early 2023, I don't have the latest security status of AS2554. Any recent data on whether AS2554 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent should be obtained from reliable and up-to-date sources such as

WhoIs AS2554


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