Spam statistics of AS26292 ASN-SHREWS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS26292

Ownership of AS26292

The autonomous system (AS) number 26292 is owned by Shrewsberry & Associates LLC.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of the owner of AS26292, Shrewsberry & Associates LLC, is not widely publicized. It is possible that they are involved in IT-related services or consulting, but specific information about their operations is limited.

Establishment of AS26292

There is no readily available information about the exact establishment date of AS26292. Autonomous systems do not have a standard 'established on' date as they can be created whenever an organization requires one for its network operations.

Malicious Usage of AS26292

Regarding the use of AS26292 by hackers or spammers, there is no direct evidence suggesting that it is particularly associated with such malicious activities. However, like any autonomous system, it could potentially be exploited if proper security measures are not in place. As of my knowledge cutoff date, you would need to refer to current databases and security reports for up-to-date information on any misuse.

According to data from CleanTalk's blacklist check (as of the last update), there doesn't appear to be significant malicious activity originating from AS26292 that has been reported to them. Nonetheless, this does not guarantee that the AS is completely free from abuse, just that it hasn't been flagged significantly on this particular platform.

WhoIs AS26292


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States409615690.00% States409624690.00%
345.73.128.0/20United States409620460.00%
4216.49.144.0/20United States409623850.00%
5216.195.0.0/19United States819228920.00%
6216.195.16.0/21United States20485420.00%
7216.195.20.0/22United States10243520.00%
8199.180.212.0/22United States10243800.00%
9216.195.0.0/22United States10242500.00%
10216.195.4.0/22United States1024300.00%
11216.195.8.0/22United States10245800.00%
12216.195.13.0/24United States2561300.00%
13216.195.16.0/22United States10241900.00%
14216.195.24.0/22United States10245800.00%
15216.195.24.0/21United States204812000.00%
16216.195.28.0/22United States10246200.00%

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