AS26347 DREAMHOST-AS, page 3

Spam statistics of AS26347 DREAMHOST-AS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States230346 009Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-88 0731 1861.35%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
2 983 083341 356

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS26347

Owner of AS26347

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS26347 is DreamHost, LLC. DreamHost is a web hosting provider and domain name registrar, based in Los Angeles, California.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of DreamHost involves providing web hosting and cloud services to a diverse range of customers. This includes shared hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting, dedicated server hosting, and cloud computing services.

Establishment of AS26347

Information on the exact date of establishment for AS26347 is not readily available in public records. However, DreamHost as a company was founded in April 1996, and it has been operating and managing its own autonomous system for many years as part of its hosting infrastructure.

Usage of AS26347 by Hackers or Spammers

As with many large hosting providers, DreamHost's services may occasionally be misused by hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, AS26347 has a history of being used for sending spam. It is important to clarify that this does not necessarily imply the owner of the ASN endorses or supports such activities. Hosting providers actively work towards mitigating and preventing abuse of their networks. CleanTalk provides an up-to-date blacklist that can be used to check if there has been recent malicious activity originating from AS26347.

Additional Details

For more detailed information regarding the current status of AS26347 in relation to spam or malicious activities, you would need to refer directly to the CleanTalk website and search for AS26347 on their blacklist page. They provide real-time data and statistics about various ASNs and their associated risk levels.

WhoIs AS26347


SPAM active IP addresses in AS26347 DREAMHOST-AS

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 04:49:122024-07-20 23:51:334 18:18:552024-07-21 16:10:3813
367.205.43.1482020-04-23 14:33:222024-07-25 17:30:4329
467.205.44.1962021-07-07 20:38:182024-07-25 19:10:395
567.205.60.892020-03-09 01:02:472024-07-20 22:41:0816
669.163.180.1672019-12-29 18:20:052024-07-25 17:45:3527
769.163.181.832024-04-10 09:43:542024-07-18 16:16:0311
869.163.181.2512024-06-20 11:35:522024-07-17 11:45:379
969.163.182.1942019-11-05 23:37:072024-07-20 22:50:444
1069.163.239.612021-07-06 11:58:572024-07-19 18:10:379
11173.236.141.652020-01-06 23:03:272024-07-20 04:20:393
12173.236.193.462019-11-09 14:03:582024-07-17 12:29:36105
13173.236.246.2392019-09-28 00:01:402024-07-22 14:35:3116
14208.97.137.942019-11-10 04:33:382024-07-27 04:30:5022
15208.97.186.1012022-04-13 07:30:512024-07-13 20:00:4080
16208.113.142.262019-11-17 16:47:512024-07-25 17:30:4325
17208.113.205.782018-02-10 22:27:422024-07-20 05:55:29113

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
61208.113.208.0/20United States40963128190.00%
6266.33.208.0/20United States40963015180.00%
6369.163.184.0/22United States1024933182.00%
64173.236.168.0/21United States20481965181.00%
65173.236.196.0/22United States1024916182.00%
66173.236.224.0/20United States40963005180.00%
6764.111.112.0/21United States20481225171.00%
6866.33.208.0/21United States20481750171.00%
6969.163.144.0/21United States20481694171.00%
70173.236.152.0/22United States1024994172.00%
71173.236.176.0/22United States1024855172.00%
72205.196.220.0/22United States1024944172.00%
7364.111.124.0/22United States1024942162.00%
7467.205.32.0/21United States2048899161.00%
75173.236.144.0/22United States1024821162.00%
76208.97.188.0/22United States1024521162.00%
7767.205.28.0/22United States1024828151.00%
7867.205.36.0/22United States1024759151.00%
79173.236.152.0/24United States256252156.00%
80173.236.184.0/22United States1024801151.00%
8164.111.104.0/22United States1024792141.00%
8264.111.116.0/22United States1024699141.00%
8369.163.240.0/21United States20481459141.00%
84173.236.136.0/22United States1024898141.00%
85173.236.168.0/22United States1024983141.00%
86208.113.204.0/22United States1024663141.00%
8767.205.8.0/21United States20481675131.00%
8869.163.216.0/21United States20481223131.00%
8975.119.212.0/22United States1024826131.00%
9075.119.220.0/22United States1024939131.00%