AS263550 Energisa SA

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About AS263550

Ownership of AS263550

The autonomous system (AS) number 263550 is owned by "Cooperativa de Electrificación Rural de San Carlos R.L. (Coopelesca R.L.)", which is a cooperative organization based in Costa Rica. They focus primarily on providing services related to electricity distribution.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Coopelesca, the owner of AS263550, includes the distribution of electricity within their region of operation. Additionally, they might also be involved in offering internet services as part of their utility offerings to rural areas, considering they manage an autonomous system.

Establishment of AS263550

There is no specific publicly available data indicating the exact establishment date of AS263550. Autonomous systems are typically registered and come into operation when an entity requires control over IP address routing, which may coincide with the expansion of services such as internet provision by Coopelesca.

Potential Malicious Use of AS263550

When it comes to the usage of AS263550 for malicious purposes such as hacking or spamming, there can be instances where individual IP addresses within an AS are hijacked or misused by cybercriminals. However, according to CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring service, as of the knowledge cutoff date, there is no explicit report or data indicating that AS263550 has been used for such activities. It is important to note that even if individual IPs within an autonomous system engage in malicious activities, it does not necessarily reflect the intent or practices of the AS owner.

For real-time information and details regarding the reputation of AS263550, it would be necessary to consult updated security databases and monitoring services like CleanTalk or others specialized in analyzing network traffic and blacklisting IPs involved in malicious behavior.

WhoIs AS263550


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