AS265039 AS265039

Spam statistics of AS265039 AS265039

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DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
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- spam active IP adresses

About AS265039

Owner of AS265039

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS265039 is LRF CONECTIONS SERVICOS LTDA ME, a company that operates within Brazil.

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of AS265039's owner, LRF CONECTIONS SERVICOS LTDA ME, is to provide internet service to its customers. They are essentially an Internet Service Provider (ISP) focused on offering access and connectivity services.

Establishment of AS265039

The establishment date of AS265039 is not explicitly mentioned in the provided context. For detailed historical data, official registries or databases such as those managed by regional internet registries (RIRs) would typically be consulted.

Reputation and Malicious Usage

As per the information available from, there doesn't appear to be a significant record of malicious activities such as hacking or spamming associated with AS265039. However, it is important to note that the absence of reported incidents does not necessarily guarantee the network has never been used for such purposes; it only reflects the data currently available on the referenced blacklist database.


WhoIs AS265039


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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