Spam statistics of AS265363 RV NET TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA

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About AS265363

Ownership of AS265363

The owner of AS265363 is not specified in the current context of this conversation. Typically, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are registered and owned by various organizations, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large corporations with significant online presence, or educational institutions that manage their own network infrastructure.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the owner of AS265363 would generally involve managing internet connectivity and routing for the IP addresses within its control. This includes ensuring network security, proper routing of internet traffic, and providing services to customers if it's an ISP or other internet-related services.

Establishment of AS265363

The specific date when AS265363 was established is not readily available without access to detailed registry or database records that provide information on ASN allocations and their history.

Malicious Use of AS265363

Regarding the usage of AS265363 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, such occurrences can be monitored and reported by various security platforms. As of the latest information accessible, there are no details indicating that AS265363 has been used for malicious purposes. However, it is essential for network administrators to continually monitor their networks for any suspicious activities and take appropriate measures to protect against cyber threats.

Please note that for real-time and detailed information about the ownership, history, and potential abuse of AS265363, one would typically refer to databases maintained by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), cybersecurity firms, or other specialized services that track ASN usage and reputation.

WhoIs AS265363


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