The data shown may not match the actual data as the AS data is updated monthly.
AS266087 Orbitel Telecomunicacoes e Informatica Ltda
Spam statistics of AS266087 Orbitel Telecomunicacoes e Informatica Ltda
Country | Number of networks | IP Addresses | Purpose of use |
Brazil | |||
Domain | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IPs | Spam rate |
- | 18 | 5 | 0.00% |
Websites count | IP addresses with websites | ||
14 | 8 |
Spam activity log
About AS266087
Owner of AS266087
The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS266087 is not specified in the provided context. Information about the owner would typically be found in public AS databases or through network information centers specific to the region where the AS is registered.
Main Operational Activity
The main operational activity of AS266087 could entail various functions such as internet service provision, hosting services, or content delivery networks among others. Again, specific details about its operations would require access to more detailed resources or official statements from the AS owner.
Establishment of AS266087
The exact date of establishment for AS266087 is not mentioned here. This information can often be retrieved from regional internet registry databases or network information resources where historical data on autonomous systems are maintained.
Use of AS266087 by Hackers or Spammers
According to CleanTalk's blacklist check (as of the last update prior to my knowledge cutoff in 2023), there is no indication that AS266087 has been specifically used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, this does not necessarily guarantee that the network is free from such activities, as the status could change and would need regular monitoring for any signs of malicious behavior.
Additional Details
For real-time and updated information about the use of AS266087 and its potential association with malicious activities, continuous monitoring and checking of databases like which specialize in blacklisting and reporting such incidents is recommended.
WhoIs AS266087
SPAM active IP addresses in AS266087 Orbitel Telecomunicacoes e Informatica Ltda
# | Sender IP | Detected | Last seen | Reported as spam |
1 | | 2024-02-29 00:59:33 | 2024-11-06 03:50:27 | 37 |
Detected networks prefixes
# | Network prefix | Country | Length | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IP addresses | Spam rate |
1 | | Brazil | 256 | 6 | 3 | 1.00% |
2 | | Brazil | 256 | 9 | 2 | 1.00% |
3 | | Brazil | 256 | 2 | 0 | 0.00% |
4 | | Brazil | 256 | 1 | 0 | 0.00% |