AS266522 Realnet Telecomunicacoes e Multimidia ltda

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About AS266522

Owner Information

The autonomous system AS266522 is owned by HOJE SISTEMAS DE INFORMATICA EIRELI. This entity is responsible for all the operations carried out through this particular autonomous system number (ASN).

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of HOJE SISTEMAS DE INFORMATICA EIRELI, as suggested by the name, entails providing information technology services and solutions. The specifics of these services could range from internet service provision to a variety of IT support activities.

Establishment Date

There are no specific details readily available in this context about when AS266522 was officially established. To obtain this information, one would typically have to consult official registry databases or contact the owner directly.

Malicious Use of AS266522

Regarding the security aspect and potential malicious use of AS266522, it is important to monitor any ASN for signs of misuse. As of now, there is no direct evidence provided here that implicates AS266522 in activities associated with hackers or spammers. However, organizations like CleanTalk provide databases where one can check the reputation of an ASN to see if it has been reported or blacklisted for malicious activity.

According to the details on, AS266522 does not have a history of being used by hackers or spammers. The page dedicated to AS266522 shows no data indicating any malicious activity stemming from this ASN. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that such evaluations are continually updated, so stakeholders should regularly review the status of ASNs to maintain network hygiene and security.

WhoIs AS266522


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