Spam statistics of AS266829 MAGALAJO S.A.

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About AS266829

Owner of AS266829

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 266829 is not explicitly mentioned in public records. Ownership details can be typically found through Regional Internet Registries or by conducting an AS lookup on various online platforms that provide such information.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS266829's owner, like most AS owners, is likely to involve managing the routing of internet traffic to and from their network infrastructure. This includes ensuring that IP addresses within their control are properly routed and accessible across the internet, maintaining the efficiency and security of the network, and possibly offering services related to internet connectivity to customers.

Establishment of AS266829

The exact establishment date of AS266829 is not provided here. Usually, the creation date of an autonomous system can be found in the database of the regional internet registry responsible for the particular region in which the AS is registered.

Malicious Use of AS266829

Regarding the use of AS266829 by hackers or spammers for malicious intent, specific details would require real-time data. As of the last update, there may not be any widely reported incidents involving this AS engaging in such activities. However, it is always possible for any AS to be compromised or misused without the knowledge of the owner. Organizations often employ various security measures to prevent such incidents. Information on whether AS266829 has been involved in malicious activities could be checked on platforms like CleanTalk, which maintains a blacklist database.

As per the details available on CleanTalk's website, there might not be any recent reports of AS266829 being used for spamming or malicious purposes. Nevertheless, it is important to note that this status can change, and continuous monitoring is advisable for network administrators and cybersecurity professionals.

WhoIs AS266829


SPAM active IP addresses in AS266829 MAGALAJO S.A.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 21:35:192024-05-04 16:25:3341 23:10:212024-05-04 20:15:4429

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