Spam statistics of AS267499 WAGNER BARBOSA DA COSTA - ME

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About AS267499

Owner of AS267499

The autonomous system (AS) number 267499 is registered and owned by 'OPENLINE TELECOM'.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of OPENLINE TELECOM, the owner of AS267499, involves providing internet services to its customers. As an Internet Service Provider (ISP), they manage internet connectivity and related services in their region of operation.

Establishment of AS267499

There is no specific public data readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS267499 without further detailed research into the AS's historical records.

Malicious Use of AS267499

According to, a website that provides information about spam activities and blacklists, there have been instances where AS267499 has been used with malicious intent. Hackers or spammers may have exploited this autonomous system for distributing spam or carrying out other malicious online activities. However, it is essential to note that the presence of such activities does not necessarily implicate the ISP itself but rather indicates abuse by some of its users.

Details from CleanTalk on AS267499

As per CleanTalk's database, AS267499 has been recorded for having a history of spamming or hacker activities. The exact details including the number of known cases, the severity of incidents, and any actions taken by the owner can be further checked directly via CleanTalk's website, keeping in mind that this information is subject to change as new data becomes available.

WhoIs AS267499


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