Spam statistics of AS267963 HAYAN TELECOM

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About AS267963

Owner of AS267963

The owner of AS267963 is not specified in the public records. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are typically owned by internet service providers, large organizations, or educational institutions that manage their own network infrastructure.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS267963's owner is also not publicly detailed. Generally, owners of an ASN engage in activities related to managing internet connectivity and routing for the networks they administer.

Establishment of AS267963

The exact date of establishment for AS267963 is not provided in this context. The creation dates of ASNs can often be found in regional internet registry databases or through network information services.

Malicious Use of AS267963

According to the data available from CleanTalk, there is no explicit mention of hackers or spammers using AS267963 with malicious intent. It is important to monitor networks for any unusual activity that could suggest such misuse.

As of my knowledge cutoff date, further details regarding the use of AS267963 can be referenced directly from sources like CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring service, which provides insights into potentially malicious activities associated with various ASNs.

WhoIs AS267963


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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