Spam statistics of AS268364 GIGA TELECOM

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About AS268364

Owner of AS268364

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS268364 is registered as Open X Tecnologia Ltda.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS268364's owner, Open X Tecnologia Ltda, involves providing internet services. They are an Internet Service Provider (ISP) catering to their customer base with connectivity solutions.

Establishment of AS268364

There is no specific public record readily available stating the exact date when AS268364 was established. ASN establishment dates can sometimes be found in regional internet registry databases or through historical records of announcements, but this information would need to be retrieved directly from such databases or the entity that manages the ASN.

Malicious Use of AS268364

As for the question of hackers or spammers using AS268364 with malicious intent, according to data retrieved from CleanTalk, a website that provides IP/ASN blacklist checks, there might be instances of such activities associated with this ASN. However, it is essential to note that any network can potentially be abused, and ISPs typically have measures in place to manage and mitigate such issues when they arise.

Details from CleanTalk Blacklists

Based on the latest data from CleanTalk:

  • AS268364 may have been reported for hosting suspicious activities.

  • The extent of the reports and the nature of the activities would determine the level of concern.

  • Internet Service Providers often deal with abuse reports and take actions according to their policies.

WhoIs AS268364


Detected networks prefixes

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