AS268592 M A Conexao Eletrotecnica Multimidia Ltda ME

Spam statistics of AS268592 M A Conexao Eletrotecnica Multimidia Ltda ME

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-4 1292004.84%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
1 795266

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS268592

Owner of AS268592

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 268592 is 'AZAMERICA TELECOM COMUNICACOES LTDA'.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AZAMERICA TELECOM COMUNICACOES LTDA, the entity behind AS268592, involves providing telecommunications and internet services. They are likely involved in offering broadband internet access, cable television services, and other related telecom services to their customer base.

Establishment of AS268592

The specific establishment date of AS268592 is not readily available in public data. Typically, the creation date of an AS number can be found in databases maintained by regional internet registries but would require further investigation to ascertain.

Malicious Use of AS268592

Regarding the use of AS268592 for malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities, there is no explicit evidence available in the provided source from CleanTalk's blacklist database. To determine if AS268592 has been associated with such activities, a detailed scrutiny of security reports and analysis of network traffic patterns would be needed. It's important for network administrators and cybersecurity professionals to monitor their networks and take preventive measures against any form of cyber threat or abuse.

For real-time and updated information on potential malicious activities associated with AS268592, it is recommended to consult specialized cybersecurity resources or services that track and report on such issues.

WhoIs AS268592


SPAM active IP addresses in AS268592 M A Conexao Eletrotecnica Multimidia Ltda ME

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 18:57:062024-07-27 04:25:3428 22:01:262024-07-17 02:50:395
345.164.203.1542023-09-07 23:11:002024-07-26 19:50:4430
445.165.70.92024-06-15 04:45:342024-07-14 14:28:5226
545.165.70.1252023-11-25 15:20:242024-07-27 04:00:4321
645.165.129.512024-05-29 05:05:292024-07-27 03:25:5426
745.165.168.582024-03-07 22:10:382024-07-22 18:55:5040
845.166.40.1352024-06-18 12:20:352024-07-14 12:29:0620
945.166.98.1262024-07-10 05:30:342024-07-27 01:35:3215

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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