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Overview of AS268635

Owner Information

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS268635 is UNM Telecomunicações Ltda, a telecommunications company operating in Brazil.

Main Operational Activity

UNM Telecomunicações Ltda primarily offers services such as internet access to its customers, focusing on connectivity solutions within the region it serves.

Establishment of AS268635

Unfortunately, the exact establishment date for AS268635 is not readily available in public records. However, ASN information is frequently updated and can change over time, so it's important to consult up-to-date databases or resources for the latest information.

Usage by Hackers or Spammers

As of the knowledge cutoff date, there was no specific evidence or reports suggesting that AS268635 is being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. To ensure the most current status regarding any potential misuse, one should review security databases and blacklists, such as CleanTalk or other reputable sources for real-time data.

According to CleanTalk, a service that monitors and reports on the reputations of IP addresses and ASNs, there might be records or statistics indicating whether AS268635 has been implicated in any malicious activities. Since direct links cannot be provided, users interested in checking the latest status of AS268635 on CleanTalk should visit the CleanTalk website and search for the ASN using their search feature to find detailed reports and statistics.

WhoIs AS268635


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