AS268675 Web Fiber Provedor Telecom Acesso A Redes de Inter

Spam statistics of AS268675 Web Fiber Provedor Telecom Acesso A Redes de Inter

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AS268675 Overview

Owner of AS268675

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 268675 is not provided in the public database. Typically, AS numbers are owned by internet service providers (ISPs), large corporations with significant online presence, or data center/hosting providers.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS268675's owner involves managing the routing of their network on the internet. This includes the distribution and management of IP addresses that fall under their control and ensuring network stability, performance, and security for their users.

Establishment of AS268675

The exact establishment date of AS268675 is not readily available from open sources. Establishing an AS typically requires coordination with regional internet registries which maintain records of when AS numbers are allocated and to whom.

Malicious Use of AS268675

As far as publicly available information from CleanTalk suggests, there is no explicit evidence that AS268675 is being used with malicious intent by hackers or spammers. However, it's important for network operators to continuously monitor their networks for any such activities since an AS could be exploited by malicious parties at any time without the owner's consent.

For up-to-date information about potential malicious activities associated with AS268675, detailed research using specialized security tools and services would be required.

WhoIs AS268675


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