The data shown may not match the actual data as the AS data is updated monthly.
Spam statistics of AS269946 BOOM SOLUTIONS C.A.
Country | Number of networks | IP Addresses | Purpose of use |
Venezuela | |||
Domain | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IPs | Spam rate |
- | 226 | 6 | 2.66% |
Websites count | IP addresses with websites | ||
0 | 0 |
Spam activity log
About AS269946
Owner of AS269946
The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS269946 is not specified in the public records. Often, the details regarding the ownership of specific AS numbers can be found in regional internet registry databases or through network information services.
Main Operational Activity
The main operational activity of AS269946's owner is also not publicly detailed. Autonomous Systems are typically used by ISPs, large corporations, or educational institutions to manage their internet presence and route traffic efficiently within their networks.
Establishment of AS269946
Information about when AS269946 was established is not readily available without access to specific network registration databases or direct statements from the AS owner.
Malicious Use of AS269946
According to the data provided by CleanTalk, it appears that there have been no reports of AS269946 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. This suggests that the network has maintained a clean reputation thus far.
Additional Details
For real-time and updated information regarding the reputation of AS269946, including any potential security incidents or abuse reports, checking dedicated online platforms like CleanTalk can provide valuable insights.
WhoIs AS269946
Detected networks prefixes
# | Network prefix | Country | Length | Detected IP addresses | Spam active IP addresses | Spam rate |
1 | | Venezuela | 1024 | 102 | 5 | 0.00% |
2 | | Venezuela | 256 | 59 | 1 | 0.00% |
3 | | Venezuela | 1024 | 49 | 0 | 0.00% |
4 | | Venezuela | 1024 | 4 | 0 | 0.00% |
5 | | Venezuela | 1024 | 18 | 0 | 0.00% |