AS2717 Cummins Inc.

Spam statistics of AS2717 Cummins Inc.

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United States
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About AS2717

Owner of AS2717

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS2717 is United Telephone Company of Ohio, which operates under the name CenturyLink. CenturyLink is a telecommunications company that provides various services including internet access, telephone, and television services.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS2717's owner, CenturyLink, involves providing broadband, voice, video, data, and managed services over a robust 250,000-route-mile U.S. fiber network and a 300,000-route-mile international transport network.

Establishment of AS2717

The exact date when AS2717 was established is not publicly available in the general WHOIS databases or other common ASN information repositories. Typically, the establishment date of an ASN is not widely disclosed beyond internal records held by the organization and possibly shared with internet governance bodies.

Malicious Use of AS2717

As with any large service provider, there may be instances where parts of their network are misused by malicious actors for activities such as hacking or spamming. However, without current and specific data concerning such activities linked to AS2717, it would be speculative to make claims about its use by hackers or spammers.

As per the provided resource link, no additional real-time details can be extracted since the link directs to a website that requires up-to-date browsing capabilities to access detailed reports on blacklisted entities within autonomous systems such as AS2717. Thus, for the most current information regarding any potential misuse of AS2717, one would need to refer directly to updated security reports or databases that track such activities.

WhoIs AS2717


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