Spam statistics of AS2722 C-LIGHT

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS2722

Ownership of AS2722

AS2722, also known as Autonomous System Number 2722, is owned by 'C-Light Network'. C-Light Network operates this AS and is responsible for its management and maintenance.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of C-Light Network, the owner of AS2722, involves providing internet services. As an autonomous system, it is a collection of connected IP routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators that presents a common, clearly defined routing policy to the internet.

Establishment of AS2722

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS2722 within this context.

Malicious Use of AS2722

Regarding the malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities associated with AS2722, we can refer to online blacklist databases like CleanTalk for insights. However, without direct access to updated external databases or resources, it's not possible to provide current details about any potential misuse of AS2722. For the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding spamming or hacking activities related to AS2722, visitors should consult the CleanTalk website or similar platforms that track the reputation of autonomous systems.

WhoIs AS2722


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1205.186.32.0/24United States256200.00%
2205.186.32.0/19United States81922200.00%
3205.186.33.0/24United States256400.00%
4205.186.52.0/24United States256500.00%
5205.186.56.0/23United States512700.00%

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