AS272484 Souza Net Telecom

Spam statistics of AS272484 Souza Net Telecom

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS272484

Ownership and Operational Activity

AS272484 is an autonomous system (AS) registered to 'Opanet Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME,' a telecommunications provider. The main operational activity of Opanet Telecomunicacoes Ltda involves offering internet connectivity services to its customers. This encompasses the management of data transit across their network infrastructure to ensure reliable access to the internet for users within their service area.


The establishment date of AS272484 is not specified in this response, as such information would typically require access to detailed registry databases or direct communication with the organization for accurate historical data.

Security Concerns and Misuse

Regarding security concerns such as hacking or spamming activities, there is no specific evidence provided here that AS272484 has been used with malicious intent. However, real-time databases like CleanTalk can offer insights into whether an autonomous system has been involved in such activities.

A visit to CleanTalk's website and searching for AS272484 may provide current details on any reported incidents of spam or malicious activities originating from this AS. It's important to note that the presence of an AS in a blacklist database does not necessarily imply the owner condones or is aware of the misuse; it could also indicate that compromised systems within their network are being exploited by third parties.

WhoIs AS272484


Detected networks prefixes

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