AS272674 Volpe & Lima Ltda

Spam statistics of AS272674 Volpe & Lima Ltda

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About AS272674

Ownership and Main Operational Activity

The autonomous system AS272674 is owned by VIVA SERVICOS DE COMUNICACAO LTDA. The main operational activity of AS272674's owner, VIVA SERVICOS DE COMUNICACAO LTDA, involves providing communication services, likely including internet service provision to its customers.


The specific establishment date of AS272674 is not provided in the current context, and such information would typically be obtained from relevant internet registry databases or the organization's own publication.

Malicious Usage Concerns

Regarding the use of AS272674 for malicious intents such as hacking or spamming, there are no explicit details provided here from To determine if AS272674 has been involved in such activities, one would need to refer to this URL for up-to-date information on any reported incidents or abuse detected originating from this autonomous system.

Additional Details

It is important for network administrators and researchers to monitor the reputation of autonomous systems like AS272674 to ensure a safe and secure internet environment. This includes keeping an eye on blacklisting services, security reports, and community forums for any signs of malicious activity associated with the AS numbers in question.

WhoIs AS272674


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