AS27374 PFCS

Spam statistics of AS27374 PFCS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS27374

Ownership and Main Operational Activity

AS27374, also known as Beckman Coulter Inc., is an autonomous system that belongs to Beckman Coulter, a company that specializes in biomedical laboratory instruments. The main operational activity of Beckman Coulter involves the development, manufacturing, and marketing of products that simplify, automate, and innovate complex biomedical testing.


The information regarding the exact establishment date of AS27374 is not publicly available. However, Beckman Coulter itself has been in operation for many decades, with its roots going back to the late 1930s.

Potential Malicious Use

While any network can be susceptible to abuse by hackers or spammers, there are no specific details indicating that AS27374 has been used with malicious intent. According to data from CleanTalk, as of my last update, there are no reports or evidence suggesting that AS27374 is actively involved in such activities. However, network administrators should remain vigilant to ensure the security and integrity of their systems.

CleanTalk Database Check

A check of the CleanTalk blacklist database does not yield results that point towards a history of spamming or hacking associated with AS27374. This would suggest that the network maintains a clean reputation online, at least in the context of the CleanTalk database.

WhoIs AS27374


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