Spam statistics of AS27903 DIGICEL S.A. DE C.V.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
El Salvador
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS27903

Ownership of AS27903

The autonomous system AS27903 belongs to Digicel AFG, which is a telecommunications company providing services primarily in the Caribbean, Central American, and Oceania regions.

Main Operational Activity

Digicel AFG's main operational activity revolves around offering mobile phone networks and related services to its customers. This includes voice, data, and internet services, as well as other telecommunication solutions.

Establishment of AS27903

There is no specific public record about the exact establishment date of AS27903 within this context. Autonomous systems are typically assigned as part of regional internet registry allocations, but their establishment dates can vary based on when they start operations or are registered by an organization.

Malicious Use of AS27903

Like many large networks, AS27903 may occasionally be misused by hackers or spammers for malicious intent. However, without direct evidence or specific details, it would not be appropriate to assert that this network is broadly used for such activities.

According to the information from, there might have been instances of spamming or other nefarious activities originating from AS27903. It is important for network administrators of such autonomous systems to implement proper security measures and monitoring to prevent and mitigate unauthorized use.

WhoIs AS27903


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1138.255.152.0/24El Salvador2561110.00%
2138.255.154.0/24El Salvador256910.00%
338.7.12.0/22El Salvador10241400.00%
438.56.208.0/22El Salvador10241200.00%
5138.255.153.0/24El Salvador256600.00%
6170.0.176.0/23El Salvador5121000.00%
7170.0.176.0/24El Salvador256200.00%
8170.0.177.0/24El Salvador256800.00%
9170.0.178.0/24El Salvador2561800.00%
10170.0.179.0/24El Salvador2562300.00%
11200.89.80.0/24El Salvador256300.00%
12200.89.82.0/24El Salvador2564800.00%
13200.89.83.0/24El Salvador2561200.00%
14200.89.85.0/24El Salvador2569100.00%
15200.89.86.0/24El Salvador2564500.00%
16200.89.87.0/24El Salvador256600.00%

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