AS28202 Rede Brasileira de Comunicacao SA, page 23

Spam statistics of AS28202 Rede Brasileira de Comunicacao SA

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-1 62644627.43%
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- spam active IP adresses

About AS28202

Owner of AS28202

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 28202 is Rede Brasileira de Comunicacao Ltda, which is a telecommunications company based in Brazil.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS28202's owner, Rede Brasileira de Comunicacao Ltda, involves providing internet services such as broadband access, hosting solutions, and other related telecom services primarily within Brazil.

Establishment of AS28202

The exact establishment date of AS28202 is not publicly provided, but the ownership and operations have been active for several years, adapting to the growing needs of internet services in Brazil.

Malicious Use of AS28202

Like many large networks, AS28202 may have instances where it has been utilized by hackers or spammers. In order to understand the current status regarding any potential malicious activities associated with AS28202, up-to-date information from trusted sources like security databases and blacklists is required.

Looking at data from CleanTalk (as of the knowledge cutoff date), there might be cases where parts of the network were reported for spamming or malicious activities. This does not necessarily implicate the network owner directly but could indicate that some users of the network may have conducted such activities.

Details from CleanTalk

CleanTalk provides a blacklist service that collects information on IP addresses that have been involved in spamming or other malicious activities. As per their records:

  • AS28202 might appear in these listings due to incidents detected by their systems.

  • The presence on such a list typically denotes that there have been reports of unsolicited actions originating from this AS.

  • However, inclusion in the blacklist can also result from a small number of individuals abusing the network services, rather than a reflection of the network owner's practices.

WhoIs AS28202


SPAM active IP addresses in AS28202 Rede Brasileira de Comunicacao SA

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1177.130.145.1152022-02-28 01:46:522024-06-06 17:30:3555
2191.53.112.1702018-01-19 12:01:032024-06-06 02:30:39258