AS29382 Limited Liability Company ukrainian Infosystems

Spam statistics of AS29382 Limited Liability Company ukrainian Infosystems

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About AS29382

Ownership of AS29382

AS29382 is owned by Arabian Internet & Communications Services Co. Ltd, which is also known as Solutions by STC.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Arabian Internet & Communications Services Co. Ltd (Solutions by STC) involves providing a variety of information technology and communication services. They are known for offering solutions in areas like internet services, data center hosting, managed services, and cloud-based services to their clients.

Establishment of AS29382

The specific establishment date of AS29382 is not readily available in the public domain. However, ASN registration dates can typically be traced through regional internet registry databases or historical data provided by network information centers.

Malicious Use of AS29382

There are no explicit details indicating that AS29382 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. For current and detailed information regarding any potential abuses originating from AS29382, it is advisable to consult real-time security databases or threat intelligence platforms such as

As of my last update, here is the latest insight from concerning AS29382:

No entries about spam or hacking activities originating from AS29382 have been recorded recently on's blacklist database.

WhoIs AS29382


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