AS30092 AS-30092

Spam statistics of AS30092 AS-30092

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Canada8023 151Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites
22 99811 887

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS30092

Owner of AS30092

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 30092 is Assertive Networks, Inc. This entity is responsible for managing the IP addresses and routing policies associated with this AS.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Assertive Networks, Inc. involves providing Internet services such as web hosting, network management, and possibly other related services as typical of a company managing an autonomous system.

Establishment of AS30092

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS30092. Typically, the creation date of an AS is not widely advertised; however, changes in ownership or significant operational shifts may be documented in various network-related registries or databases.

Malicious Use of AS30092

Like many autonomous systems, AS30092 could potentially be used by hackers or spammers to conduct malicious activities. However, specifics about these incidents are usually tracked by security organizations and databases that monitor such behavior on the internet.

Details from CleanTalk

According to, which provides a blacklist checking service, there might be instances where AS30092 has been reported or used for spamming or other malicious activities. It's important to note that IPs within any AS can sometimes be compromised and used without the knowledge of the AS owner. As such, owners like Assertive Networks, Inc. must implement proper security measures to prevent misuse of their resources.

WhoIs AS30092


SPAM active IP addresses in AS30092 AS-30092

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1167.160.171.1272021-02-08 04:30:502024-04-27 03:40:5970
2192.161.166.132013-10-07 08:26:342024-04-23 04:11:487
3192.161.166.202013-09-24 13:57:222024-04-24 10:25:3288
4192.161.166.532015-02-08 22:56:052024-04-26 03:25:379
5192.161.166.602014-08-03 20:36:012024-04-18 00:25:5830
6192.161.166.612014-01-17 19:53:342024-04-26 20:15:33237
7192.161.166.662015-02-28 08:56:082024-04-19 10:13:3728
8192.161.166.812013-10-02 02:52:302024-04-25 06:30:0413
9192.161.166.842014-05-02 23:33:322024-04-23 04:00:3842
10192.161.166.972014-05-08 01:47:122024-04-24 23:25:3217
11192.161.166.1212014-02-10 04:32:152024-04-23 03:50:43134

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1198.55.96.0/19United States8192284291511.00%
2104.129.8.0/22United States102486456155.00%
3104.129.12.0/22United States102485654453.00%
4104.223.24.0/22United States102475743242.00%
5104.223.68.0/22United States102471740439.00%
6167.160.168.0/22United States102447033933.00%
7192.161.164.0/22United States102464324624.00%
8104.223.60.0/22United States102456724324.00%
9204.44.92.0/22United States102447420020.00%
10155.94.236.0/22United States102439918918.00%
11155.94.135.0/24United States25624218271.00%
12155.94.196.0/22United States102427715315.00%
13104.129.12.0/24United States25621315159.00%
14155.94.151.0/24United States25618914958.00%
15155.94.196.0/24United States25621014757.00%
16155.94.158.0/24United States25619714557.00%
17104.129.8.0/24United States25620813653.00%
18204.44.92.0/24United States25622912047.00%
19155.94.164.0/24United States25618011946.00%
20104.223.24.0/24United States25623211846.00%
21104.223.16.0/22United States102423311711.00%
22198.55.96.0/22United States1024296979.00%
23198.55.96.0/24United States2561379638.00%
24155.94.236.0/24United States2561238734.00%
25104.223.60.0/23United States5121848016.00%
26104.223.60.0/24United States2561215220.00%
27104.223.124.0/22United States1024148505.00%
28107.150.20.0/23United States512192489.00%
3038.131.96.0/20United States40961313341.00%

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